Heya! I'm Apollyon! I'm an artist and to-be-returning streamer posing as a computer engineer with a college degree. I have way too many hobbies and I do my very best to only hyperfocus on 3 at any given time. I'm not always successful at this, so anticipate delays I guess!
At work, I write software, the nature of which I won't expand on because I like my work life private and my fun life public. I would also probably get fired, but that's besides the point. Online I'm a raging furry who has the extra perk of maybe thinking too much about transformation and how it relates to the way we think of ourselves and in what ways we allow ourselves to change.

Well, it really depends on what you're saying "WHY????" to. If you've been here before, hey! Hope you've been doing well! Your reason for asking is probably to do with the fact that everything here looks completely different from the way it was before. That's fine! I just looked at what I had before, realized it was doing pretty rough, and did a whole revamp in order to appease to my current style. I'm not going to promise to not do it again in the future. I'm just. Erratic. Whoops!
If you're new here, hi! I hope you're doing well! Your reason for asking is probably to do with the fact that I have a personal site at all. Why would I do this to myself? Well, there are plenty of reasons, including but not limited to:
So yeah, thanks for bein' here! If you have any queries or qualms, don't hesitate to leave some strong words in the comment box to your left or on my Neocities profile that you can find right here! Look for these pages to be spruced up in the near future! Happy browsing!